Kamis, Juli 24, 2008 01.38
These days, I've been realized that LIFE is about choices.
Cliche...yeah, I know.
But, why???
Here it is...

One day, I saw a lady cried in the middle of subway station's path. I didn't know why she was crying and yelling like crazy. Her baby was put in front of her. Luckily, I brought my lovely camera. For a sec, I was tempted to shoot at her face and got this amazing emotionally expression. Then, I paused. Help and asked her ? or shoot and leave then pretend that I never seen that scene?
If I help and asked her, I'd miss the opportunity to shoot a great angle and expression, and my friends would never able to see my photo. How if i shoot at her? My friend would see my photo and,perhaps, they'd like it. But, I'd be suffering because I kind of abandoned her and her babies.

Yesterday, I was terribly tired. I woke up really early (the nite before, I had slept so late) and I had to take my passport at Exit and Entry office. Way back home, in subway, there was an old lady who seems so weak. I was really sleepy and I could find a seat! Hell yeah, in Shanghai, seats are like GOLD! Everyone wants it! I didn't want to share my seat with that old lady. But, in other side, I felt guilty. Then I was thinking, why I have to feel guilty? Everyone doesn't care bout it, at all. It's a common thing here. There is no rule says you have to share seat with old lady. If I did stand and let her to sit, I'd be stand up for about 1 hour in subway. If I just pretended and did the same things as people surround me, the old lady,maybe, would fall down, or something bad would happen. And I don't want those kind of things happen because of ME. My self-centered ego. No offense!

These days two of my friends talked to me about their future life. What they want to be in future. What job they will do. What problems and risks they will face, and stuff. A lot of choices are in front of em. The thing is, they don't know what to do with that choices. One of my friend wants to be a movie director.. He is afraid that he will fail, he'll get lot of pressures from family and worse, he can't afford his life and his family. In the other side, his family try to provoke him to be a businessman. The reason is...safer than being an artist. He said, If he choose to be an artist, he will live poor life till he'll success. His family will suffer, he can't give good things to his child, but he like it! He'll love his job.What if he choose to be a businessman? He follow what his parent say, he'll live in good economic condition, no pressure, but he doesn't like it much. The consequence is not just at him, it'll be his family.

Choice and consequence are together.
What do you choose will lead to to another way.
It'll change your life forever.
It isn't just you, still, there are people around you to be cared.
What life do you want to live ??
You choose....


Senin, Juli 14, 2008 01.58
Baru balik dari Cina bagian Selatan tepatnya aku dan teman-teman mexican pergi ke Guilin, Yangshuo, Longji, dan Guangzhou. dan kita ber-backpacking ria tanpa rencana! Everything didn't go according to plan...well, at the first time we had plans, but the thing is we didn't decide which plan that we'd do.jadi...ya begitulah, semuanya serba GILA dan kita cuma berbekal LONELY PLANET!*it was our hero*
berangkat tanggal 29 Juni ke Guilin naek pesawat. awal-awal masih semangat 45 gendong backpack kita yang super berat. dan kita masih berbahagia karena kita naek pesawat. cepet sampe tanpa usah panas-panasan. sampe di Guilin, langsung pergi ke Hostel naek taksi. Taksinya mahal dari bandara skitar 70ribuan. sampe hostel , disana uda banyak foreigner, dan most of them punya Lonely Planet!! karena uda sore kita mutusin gak pergi dulu, dan kita cari makan disana. Muter-muter gak ketemu yang enak akhirnya beli sushi di pinggir jalan trus pergi ke People Square nya sana trus makan disana. besoknya, pagi udah harus bangun. pergi ke tourist spots di sana. Uang tiket masuk ke tourist obejection nya banyak yang mahal. Tiba-tiba, aku mengusulkan untuk pergi ke Chengdu,Sichuan. Uda deket dari Guilin, jadi sekalian aja pergi sana. Kita pergi ke train station dan beli tiket tanpa sadar kalo tiketnya ternyata salah tanggal. Maunya tanggal 4 Juli,belinya tanggal 9. Dan tanggal 9 itu sebenernya kita uda harus pulang ke Shanghai. 2 hari di Guilin, kita meneruskan ke Yangshuo. 1 jam dari Guilin naik bus seharga 20 ribuan.

Yangshuo is a good place to backpacker. Banyak hostel murah dan service nya bagus. Hostel seharga 28 ribuan per malam. Sesampai disana, uda banyak orang lokal yang nunggu nawarin jadi guide. Tips : local guide is the best! Harga terjangkau dan tempat yang ditunjukkan berbeda dengan tour kebanyakan. Kita sewa sepeda gunung ( 20rb/hr), saat itu juga kita pergi ke tempat dimana rakit dijadikan objek wisata. 1 hal yang aku kagum dari orang sini, apa aja bisa dijadikan bisnis. Kita mengayuh itu sepeda sekitar 1,5 jam baru sampe. Jalan sepanjang ke tempat itu sooo amazing. View nya bikin orang kagum. Apalagi kita melewati pinggir desa,pinggiran sawah. Sesampai disana, uda ngos-ngos an, hitam terbakar matahari.Eh...Naek rakit aja harus bayar 80rb buat 2 jam. Dari hulu sungai sampe ke hilir. di tengah-tengah nya ada seperti jeram, trus kita difoto, tapi bukan gratis. Tidak ada barang gratis di Cina! Pulang ke hostel ngayuh sepeda lagi dengan jalan yang gak jelas kaya naek kuda. jendal jendul sana sini, sampe bokong ini sakit ngayuh sepeda untuk another 1,5 hours. Tanggal 3 malam, aku punya feeling kalo tiket yang aku beli itu salah tanggal. Cepat-cepat aku ambil tiket, dan ternyata benar, salah beli!!!!! All the plan is fucked! Rencana berubah total karena kita uda gak punya duit lagi. Tiket kereta kalo ditukar pasti harus bayar lagi karena stasiun bakal kembalikan uang 80% dari harga tiket. Setelah berembuk dan mencari jalan kemana yang murah dan sesuai budget, kita memutuskan untuk pergi ke Guanzhou. Karena Guangzhou bisa naek bus,bus nya murah dan juga kalo mau pulang ke Shanghai lebih dekat.

Stay in Yangshuo for another 2 days, we continued going to Guangzhou by bus. Waktu beli tiket bus, kita kira seperti bus kebanyakan,duduk. Tapi setelah kita naek itu bus, mengejutkan...bus nya berupa ranjang tingkat sepanjang 1,5 meter bersusun sepanjang bus. Dan yang bikin gak tahan, kita harus buka sepatu di dalamnya. Bayangkan saja "wanginya" semerbak ke mana-mana. Naek bus selama 9 jam, akhirnya kita sampai di Guangzhou, dan hostel di Guangzhou lebih mahal dari tempat lain. 80rb an/malam. Di Guangzhou, kita tidak melakukan apa-apa. Bosan. Gak ada yang bisa dilihat atau dinikmati. Kita naik cruise sepanjang sungai nya, juga biasa banget. Mahal lagi. Pergi ke salah satu recommended park (according to Lonely Planet), juga gak ada apa-apanya. Bosan sekaleeeee.....We were dying to go back to Shanghai. We missed Shanghai a lot a lot! But we went to have a dinner in an Irish Bar. It's cool place!
Tanggal 9 Juli, kita naik kereta ekspress ke Shanghai. Perjalanannya memakan waktu 16 jam. Kereta nya bersih, tempat tidurnya putih bersih wangi. Gak ada bau yang menganggu hidung!

Then, we arrived safe in Shanghai....and tired!
But, this was an amazing backpacking trip!
I'm getting addicted to it...
See ya in another backpacking trip....


i am the one who hold these stringsLia is the holder's name.
my strings bond to every single part of my life
follow these strings and be my "string" =)

Strings attached
stare and be in the middle of rain
wet soil's smell
wet leaves' smell
people's love story

La Boucle
go to class everyday
special "bond"
Diana F+ Deluxe Package
new lens for my camera
spring's picnic
internship / part-time job
new toilet
iga penyet Leko

The Gigs!
still in process

Kinky time!

Goenawan Mohamad
Jason Mraz
Cassey: inspiration string

the spools
Januari 2008
Februari 2008
Maret 2008
April 2008
Mei 2008
Juni 2008
Juli 2008
Agustus 2008
Oktober 2008
November 2008
Januari 2009
Februari 2009
Maret 2009
Juni 2009
September 2009
Oktober 2009

Thank you
Skin by 'POP
Base code by DancingSheep